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Winter Amble – local walk

Join copsers for a Winter ambulation around a bit of East Surrey on Sunday 29 December 2024.   12km / 7.5 miles.  Warlingham to Oxted.  Bus out.  Train back. Meet at the 403 bus stop outside Fairfield Halls at 9.40am prompt. We catch the 403 bus to the end of its route at Sainsbury’s Warlingham.  Around […]

ShelterBox “Mystery Auction”

South Croydon United Church Aberdeen Road, South Croydon, United Kingdom

7th January will be the night you can generously pass on some goodies to our "Mystery Auction".  Many of you know the basic format for this. There will be further details between now and next week. This is just a reminder to please put aside, then wrap ready to donate, any duplicated, unloved, Christmas pressies you […]

Navigation Taster

South Croydon United Church Aberdeen Road, South Croydon, United Kingdom

Architectural Walk, London

Hello all This will be a walk visiting less well known buildings in London. We can ease the meeting time at East Croydon to 9.40, for the 9.49 train to Victoria, then Circle or District line to Blackfriars (no direct trains to Blackfriars). If you want to join us at Victoria, let me know, and […]

Happy Birthday COPSE

South Croydon United Church Aberdeen Road, South Croydon, United Kingdom

Burns Night Ceilidh, Stanley Halls

Dear All, A day ahead of the actual date, COPSErs can gather to enjoy marking the occasion on Friday, 24th January.  Remembering how many of us were on our feet gaining "exercise with smiles on our faces" at our  September dinner and barn dance, here is the chance for everyone to enjoy a lively ceilidh. We […]

Morden Hall Park – POSTPONED

Unfortunately we've had to postpone this event due to illness. It will be rescheduled.

Pre-Ski Event

South Croydon United Church Aberdeen Road, South Croydon, United Kingdom

An evening of Fun & Games to send the Skiers off on their annual trip to the slopes.