You will only be booked onto a trip if the organiser has received full payment by the date stated on the programme. Once a booking has been made the cancellation policy comes into effect.
Please write details of the trip on the back of your cheque, cash should be in a sealed envelope clearly marked with your name and trip details. Cheques should be made payable to COPSE unless otherwise stated. If a trip is oversubscribed bookings will be taken on a first paid first served basis. A waiting list will be created for oversubscribed trips in case of cancellations.
Booking conditions require full payment two months in advance. The person to contact for booking is indicated on the programme. They will tell you what activities are planned and the cost of accommodation and food.
In relation to appropriate insurance cover for any transport sharing, arrangements are deemed to be between individuals and the driver. A non-refundable deposit will be held by the organiser to cover the potential costs of you dropping out.
Everyone taking part in the activities of the Club does so at their own risk. Neither the Club nor the YHA will be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss occurring as a result of any Club event, or in connection with travel to any such event however caused.