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Yule Day!
Saturday 21st December 2024 @ 10:30 am to 5:00 pm

Update 16th December
Seven and Me (not a DNA site for close cousins!) are booked for the Ramblers Rest meal at 3pm on this day.
The idea is to have a walk before, making a relaxed circular ramble around the Banstead Woods area to which anyone can come along on, regardless of eating later (or hoping to get a late booking on, which I can’t guarantee either way, particularly it being a Saturday, but being mid afternoon may help your chances).
You can also do the meal without the walk beforehand, of course (one of you doing this at least).
Feel free to bring drink and nibbles to keep you going, but don’t eat too much in case you spoil your appetite!
The logistics of footwear and trouser wear have also occurred to me: it’s liable to be muddy so it may be a good idea to bring along a change of footwear (unless you think you can get by in socks – some places are ‘funny’ about this). You may also want to think about muddy trousers, and whether to bring along a change of them, or wear an extra layer of them for the walk. Anyway, I expect you all have your little tricks for dealing with this, like I do, so I’ll leave it to you.
As for time I am thinking the 10.58am train from East Croydon would be good, which stops at all stations via Purley and arrives at Chipstead at 11.25am. This allows for delays and taking it leisurely. If we get to the RR early we can always have a drink (with any non-eaters). BUT if you think we should go earlier or later, then I am open to discussion on this and am intending being at the Party tomorrow night.
BUT unless you hear otherwise we’ll keep to this time, but any change will be made clear in a Final Call email. I SHALL BE COMING FROM TATTENHAM CORNER, so will not meet up at East Croydon Station. ALSO my train gets into Chisptead THREE MINS AFTER yours so please bear with.
After the meal we have a little walk back to Chipstead Stn along a road (not a footpath)
I was thinking of opting for the Vegetarian Wellington (!) but may go after all for the Turkey – I’ll make my mind up on the day! They don’t do a nut roast, and many pubs are not doing this this year. But no-one makes a Nut Roast like I do!! Allegedly.
Original Posting 1st December
Hi All in the COPSE ‘Parish’,
As you may or may not know December 21st is the ‘shortest day’, usually the day of the Winter Solstice (as it is this year), and known by some as Yule Day!
This year it happens to fall on a SATURDAY, so I thought it might be good to open up a ‘meal opportunity’ as most wouldn’t perhaps ordinarily be able to make a week day.
So a few of you might like to come along to a Festive Meal and I thought a good place would be The Ramblers Rest at Chipstead. Look on their website – https://www.theramblersrest.co.uk/menus#/ – for the Festive Menu available almost every day this month (and you may need to google the word Kumquat!). I think the price seems about normal for this type of meal, but you don’t have to eat out again till Spring!
The Ramblers Rest is a short walk from Chipstead station. W3W: https://w3w.co/remark.scary.these.
I thought that about 3pm would be a good time with a walk beforehand of around 3 to 5 miles in the Banstead Woods area (or just come for the meal). At any rate Chipstead would be the rail stn to come to and go home from.
Although it is, as I write, still nearly three weeks to go I think the restaurant may get booked up as time goes on especial;y as it’s a Saturday, so best not to leave it too close to the day for booking.
…Or if anyone knows of somewhere they particularly know, not too far away, with a walking opportunity beforehand and a station or bus nearby to get back to in the dark, I am open to offers.
Too early yet for Season’s Greetings in my book! So happy early December!!